• Customer Oriented


Fully aware of the crucial role played by Quality in the company, for many years Capellini has been certified ISO 9001, which defines roles, responsabilities, and provides guidelines for an effective management system. The main objective is to comply with customer requirements by continuously improve the company performances and engaging the entire workteam in each step of the project. As a matter of fact, identification of a common goal, motivation to achieve it, and adequate training for each team member to acquire the right competencies, are crucial in taking the improvement process forward.

Via E. Mattei, 11 - 29027 Podenzano (Piacenza) - Italy
Fiscal Code, Companies Register and VAT: 01299160331
Share capital: € 300.000
No. REA PC-150545

Tel +39 0523 524108
Fax +39 0523 524126
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